FUNDAMENTALS of COmputational BioloGy and Bioinformatics

Second Edition

Methods and Exercises in Matlab

About The Book

This book was written with the perspective of engineering students who would like to explore the exciting area of bioinformatics as their career option. Since most engineering students have experience of working with MATLAB, it was a natural choice to use this powerful analytical tool as a basis for learning the hands-on aspects of bioinformatics.This book explores the principles of computational biology and bioinformatics, covering algorithms, data analysis, and real-world applications in genomics and proteomics.

Topics covered include sequence analysis, database searching and retrieval, pattern modeling and discovery, machine learning, mass spectrometry analysis and gene expression and RNA-profile modeling.

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About the Author

Dr. Gautam Singh holds a doctoral degree in computer engineering with research interests in bioinformatics and machine learning. Dr. Singh's has the experience of working as a Senior Bioinformatics Scientist at the Genome Centers and his research has been funded by the NSF, NIH as well as the industry. He has extensive experience in teaching and industry in the computer science and engineering.He has been teaching courses in Bioinformatics at undergraduate and graduate levels. 
